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My long awaited project

Popster tells everyone that I stay awake at night dreaming up projects which may or may not be true.  Any how for a few years now I have been bugging him about putting a front porch on our house.  A couple years ago someone on a street near us where we walk added a porch which made me become even more convinced it would really change our house for the better.  Last December he came home one day & told me to check out a different house in our neighborhood who were also putting a front porch on.  He wanted to know if that was what I had in mind.  I was over there before he finished his sentence & was calling him saying YES that's it!  We finalized all the plans & signed a contract in January but, of course, the weather turned bad & so they weren't going to do it until March 1st.  Then we had all the snow so the job get getting pushed back.
Last Friday morning a delivery truck showed up with all the materials so I knew it was finally happening

Luna wasn't allowed outside as she lends new meaning the word "watchdog"!
I figured I'd better take some before pics
Molly decided to photo bomb them!

Helping pick up the yard

Day one consisted of digging holes big enough to bury bodies in.....I was picky about where the support columns would go.  I didn't want them in front of my window so that meant a couple of the piers will be supporting most of the weight of the roof hence the 2 really big holes!
They also had to jackhammer up the sidewalk to make room for another one

 By the end of the day, the sonar tubes were filled with cement & it was inspected ready for the next stage.


  1. Your house is lovely and I can’t wait to see this project finished and with deck chairs on it
    Tell Pooster I asked what’s next ?

    1. He already knows what else is planned. Wait til he sees the Fedex truck pull up today with the furniture!


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