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Christmas tree oh christmas tree

 We finally made to December & the annual family christmas day.  Our place we've been going to for the last few years weren't doing trees this year so we had to find somewhere new.  We ended up at a local lumber yard where the Elks were selling trees for charity
 We were a little early & everyone else was late so we had time to look
 Finally Dani & LiLi showed up & eventually Mark & Deidre.  That was all that were
coming.  Keeping it real there was some miscommunication & we were the only ones who got a tree when, in fact, we didn't really want to get one!  It was too early & I would have liked to have waited a week or two.  Dani would have got one but they had sold out of the dump truck size😛  Sott & Deidre of course, being homeless, weren't getting one this year.
 Molly is being "spoken" to!!😝

 She just wanted to say hi to Dani
 I picked out a tree & bought it because the guys had been so nice & it was for a good cause.
 Inside they were doing pet portraits with Santa so we figured lets not waste this opportunity!
 It was mass confusion getting the dogs in place!

 Look at Luna......she's like "I don't want anything to do with this guy"
"Come on Molly.  Lets make a run for it"
 Luna reluntantly went back but was not happy
 This is a combo of all the "out takes"

Love Val💖


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