I know it's been a while but it seems like the only time I have for this is early am & I mean really early am. Like 3:00am because I leave for work a little after 4:00! I have been having such a hard time loading photos. I get logged out of my account & can't get back in again & don't feel like having a battle with google that early!
Anyway let's catch up. These are from probably 3 weeks ago when we went to Peebles
As you can see it was a gorgeous day & one of the few when it wasn't raining!
This guy was so busy checking for crumbs under the picnic table I swear I could have got right up to him
The water is so murky & dirty looking from the torrential downpours we've had
My tree is still hanging in there
This normally has hardly any water in the summer....not this year!
This is where the ducks are usually hanging out but the water was too fast for them
He was having a ball in the rough water!
Lots of kayaks in this part of the river
We made our way down to the farmer's market where they always have entertainment

Anyway let's catch up. These are from probably 3 weeks ago when we went to Peebles
As you can see it was a gorgeous day & one of the few when it wasn't raining!
This guy was so busy checking for crumbs under the picnic table I swear I could have got right up to him
The water is so murky & dirty looking from the torrential downpours we've had
My tree is still hanging in there
This normally has hardly any water in the summer....not this year!
This is where the ducks are usually hanging out but the water was too fast for them
He was having a ball in the rough water!
Lots of kayaks in this part of the river
We made our way down to the farmer's market where they always have entertainment
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