I spent most of the day in the kitchen while Popster had several chores to get done. I had my usual "OMG moment" when I realized I was missing some key ingredients from one of things I was making so I sent him to the store. It only took 3 phone calls while he was there to get the 3 things on his list & he arrived home. He "crawled" in the door groaning about his back & immediately went to lie down in the living room to stretch out his back. Great except he couldn't get up! I couldn't help him as he screamed in pain if I tried to lift him up! It probably took about an hour to get him up & in a chair & between ice & pain pills he is feeling better.
Only problem he has od'ed on oxycodon so is now in never-never land.
I do hope they keep him for the night!
Have a very Merry Christmas!
Ouch. Hope he is feeling a whole lot better.