I pulled a whole bunch of boxes & bins from the basement last night & started unpacking them this morning before I went to play golf. Within a half hour I had stuff strewn everywhere....then I left!
This pile of tangled up mess went back in the bin & I used some new lights I found
We found a santa hat for Molly to wear!
"How long to I need to sit here holding these lights?"
I made some progress &--- take note of the wet driveway--- even worked for a while in the rain....at least it was warm out! Tomorrow is supposed to be halfway decent so maybe I'll be able to finish up outside. I am also washing windows & doing some some final clean up work along with having to make all new bows for the new window wreaths I apparently decided to buy last year....must have been an after-christmas sale that lured me in!!!
Molly doesn't looked thrilled! Is she still sitting there?