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Life with Miss Molly

When Popster & I decided we would begin the search for another dog about the only we were in agreement with that we would not try to replace Liza. I had been doing a lot of research on-line & had found a couple of possibilities but never anything local.......or even in New York State for that matter!! I had even suggested driving about 300 miles (one way) to look at one dog I found. We finally decided to look at some shelters & rescue groups locally & decided if either one of us said no to a dog we would walk away no questions asked. Sunday morning I got up & started my usual search of the shelters & the one up the street which happens to be the first one on the list......starts with an A! They usually only had a couple of dogs mostly pitbull mix! I couldn't believe it when I saw a labradoodle as we had been checking out standard poodle or poodle mix dogs.

Needless to say we were "camped out" the the parking lot at 11:45 AM - they opened at noon. I went right in & found her & sent Popster back to the desk where he had to fill out an application & be interviewed before we could even take her out to the exercise area to check out. Meanwhile I have fallen totally in love with this scuffy looking dog & we were "bonding". When the girl finally came to take her out of her cage we got a good look at her extremely bad behavior - jumping & biting without stop. We also found she had been brought there because her owners couldn't control her behavior & she wasn't housebroken! After watching her for a few minutes I asked if I could take her. She did the same thing to me but after I told her no in a firm voice she calmed down & did okay. I walked back to the shelter staff & Popster & told her to sit & she sat at my feet. They said they had never seen her do that before. After falling love with her now I'm wondering if I'm crazy so I look at Popster figuring he is going to say no. Guess what he says - "It's up to you"!!!!!!!! At that point there was no looking back!

We have seen some amazing changes in a very short time which I figured could happen. She is already walking great on a leash, sits & is learning to come when called plus we are enrolled in an obedience class starting Saturday.

Last night when I got home from work she came running to meet me & "smooched" & then sat at my feet leaning into my legs the way Liza used to do..........I am beginning to think she has Liza's soul.


  1. Oh how wonderful! Good for you, to take on such a great project - Molly will be wonderfully trained in no time!


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