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"Winter Wonderland" or "Nightmare on Kile Drive"

We woke up Fri morning to a freezing cold , dark house & quickly realized there was a power outage. They had been giving out warnings but we thought being a little further north we would end up with more snow than ice - wrong! I was like - no problem .....we have a gas stove so I made some instant coffee & believe it or not the newspaper showed up. It wasn't that cold so we just bundled up & read the paper by flashlight. As it got light out this is what we could see out of the upstairs windows!

Popster was getting restless & wanted to go out to ride around which I thought was insane but off he went anyway to find real coffee. he ended up driving all the way to Scotia before he found a Stewarts open & every place was a mess with trees & power lines down. At this point we weren't that worried as it wasn't too, too cold & we have a gas insert in our fireplace in the family room...............of course that's the room with NO furniture as it is where we are putting in a new floor! Scott showed up to start on the tile but without power couldn't do anything. Around 11:00am Mark called & a tree had fallen in his yard & knocked down a couple sections of fence, also another tree had partly fallen on his shed. Popster left with a chain saw to help him & I stayed home & tried to shovel the ice & slush off the driveway. By the time I got inside again it was pretty cold so I turned on the fireplace - it stayed on 20 mins & went out, tried again - same thing. Needless to say I was a little frustrated! Why do the things we have not work when they are most needed!!!!

I decided to go out & take more pictures as it was so beautiful now the sun was out

These tree are about 7 feet tall - hopefully they'll come back up after the ice is off them

I took this picture out of the window into the afternoon sun.

Popster finally came home around 4:00 pm but then went back out to get kerosene so we could use that heater down in the family room to warrm up the house. He said he would also pick up more batteries for the flashlights & something for dinner. He was gone for over an hour as everyone was ordering pizza & the line went out the door. We ended up trying to camp out in the living room as we have a water bed (no power so it was too cold to sleep in) . Problem with that all the furniture from the family room is piled in there so it's a little crowded. About 9:00 pm our friend Mike called to see if we wanted to use his generator as he had power where he lived. Gotta love that guy..............he drove all the way out to our house, hooked it up so it ran our furnace & a couple of lights. We were too nervous to leave it running all night but it was great to turn it on this morning to get the house warm again. The temperature this morning was 10 degrees!!!
The fridge started dripping water so I had to empty it out but the cold temps outside were ideal for storing all the frozen food & the rest went into the garage. The refrigerator need cleaning anyway so I got something accomplished. Also did my christmas cards. Finally got our power back at 3:00 pm this afternoon so we were about 36 hours without power. Lesson learned from this - be more prepared for emergencies!

PS: Anyone for a game of pick-up sticks?


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