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Christmas etc.

We went to Mark & Dani's on Christmas morning & the "hit" of the day was Elmo - not for Li Li - she only liked the ones in the store that just blew her kisses! No it was the grownups who were all mesmerized by Elmo's stories. He is just too funny!

Liza opened her presents when we got back home. Then after taking a walk & fixing the veggie dish for dinner we left for Scott's house. It was a quieter Christmas than usual there but lots of fun. Everyone was very entertained by watching Li Li eat her dinner as she was really into the carrots & would work very hard at just getting them on her spoon & then did a "yum yum" after eating them!

The girls & Popster entertained us after dinner on the piano - Jessi & Meghan are so good now & Mr Martin would be proud of them.

Friday - We spent the day shopping for a tv for the family room thinking it would be a simple trip as we had done some research & knew what we wanted. Of course it never works that way as they were sold out in the first two stores but did find a store that was getting a shipment in the afternoon. Should have been great but after standing in line at Time Warner to exchange our DVR box & discovering we already had a hi-def one, got the tv but went back to first store to get the mount for it & they were all sold out - as were two other stores! We were having our neighbors over for drinks & snacks so at that point I had to go home. I checked on line & was able to get a tilting mount for a lot less money with free shipping so Popster has to wait to hang it. We did hook it up though so he's like a new man now he has his new tv working!

Sat - we had a very lazy day doing a few things around the house but mostly being bums. Mark & Dani came over around four & I tried to skype my brother in England so they could talk to Li Li but they weren't able to get their end working right! The converstion didn't last too long as Li Li kept hitting all the keys! We ordered Chinese takeout for dinner & just sat around while Li Li served us all "tea & cake"!

Sunday - We got up today bright & early with the intentions of taking a long walk with Liza as it was warm out & then go to the gym. Did get the walk in but every time we thought about heading to the gym something happened, Scott came over, Joanne wanted me to print pictures, then she decided she was going home but it took her two hours to actually leave..........I got the cat out from under the bed three times before we put him in his carrier! By then it was almost 4:00 PM & I had run out of ambition. Tomorrow starts a new week so I will get back into my routine & start going to the gym again - I hope!!!


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