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Nanning -day one

We arrived in Nanning at 3:45 pm & were met by Michael - our guide. It was about a 45 min ride to the Wharton hotel where we would be staying. The hotel was absolutely gorgeous & was right next to Lake Nanhu & the bridge that crosses it. Four lanes of traffic - 2 each direction & then 2 more lanes each side reserved for motor cycles, mopeds & bicycles. After checking out our rooms - yes Mark & Dani had a crib - we met as a group in the restaurant that was on the ground floor below our hotel. Very fascinating as you could see thru windows on 2 sides of the room into the kitchen where they were cooking. On the wall above there rows of pictures & names & prices of all the dishes. You could just point to what you wanted.....simple right??? Not! One thing we learned very quickly in China is that "what you see is more than likely, not what you get"!!!!! I also learned very quickly to order fried rice as it was usually just fried rice without "indescribable parts" in it! There were 8 families in our group with 6 of the babies being from Xingye SWI. One family getting a 19 month old & the other one a 5 year old...they were back for a second time. Michael - our guide - was the most wonderful person & there wasn't anything he hadn't thought of from having a case of water delivered to everyone's room to arranging a laundry service pick-up every night. We all had rooms on the 14th floor, including him, & his door was always open in case he was needed for anything. Mark, Dani & I decided to do a little exploring before turning in for the night. We didn't venture too far - just outside the hotel by the the bridge. The traffic was constant & we were amazed by the people riding by on rusty old bikes dressed in business suits, the women in skirts & heels! Mark's observation........."we are not in Kansas anymore!"

PS. I am not quite as "scary" to look at & am going to get my stitches out this morning. I did venture out for a walk with Liza yesterday & today but wear my dark glasses - not very easy as it hurts to have them on my nose!
PPS. Just got back & am minus the stitches - my eyes & nose are now turning a "delightful" shade of yellow! I also "skulked" around the store but it's very hard to see what you are buying wearing shades!!!!


  1. Glad you got your stitches out.

    Now, are you going to post a before/after picture now? We want to see the pretty colors!


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