After we got the Christmas tree home & in water I wanted to do a photo shoot for the christmas card. I was met with a lot of resisitance from the troops & it took some bribery on my part( lunch at the diner) along with a little foot stamping & guilt trips before I got some cooperation & we eventually arrived at the nature trail Not from the doggies you can see they participated perfectly😏😏 Molly: " Just sit here & look like a fool. She won't give up so you have to humor her!" Luna: "OMG these reindeer ears are killing me. Luna: "How much longer do we have to do this?" Molly: "Maybe if you looked a little happier we could cut a break. Can't you fake it?" Popster kept saying how do you plan to get a picture of all of us I was like, watch me. Yes I did. I asked a complete stranger to take some for me. Popster & Jes...