It's time to play catch up again. May has been a crazy month. Popster got sick at the beginning of the month & seemed to be feeling better so we went ahead with a trip planned to visit JoAnne. He ended up getting worse when we got back & was diagnosed with pneumonia. He is finally starting to feel better but I have to say he was a very difficult patient & I was accused more than once a day of acting like Nurse Cratchit!!!
I love this view from their apartment
Josh & Carol came & we walked down the street to get dinner.
The skyline was even prettier walking back

I love this view from their apartment
Josh & Carol came & we walked down the street to get dinner.
The skyline was even prettier walking back
I was finally able to give Josh & Carol the quilt I had made them for their wedding........only took me most of the winter to finish
the skyline is stunning but it pales in comparison to the quilt. that is really gorgeous. Something to treasure forever. Nurse Meany Pants, I hope Popster is on the mend.