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Molly & Agilio 11

Molly graduated from agilio 1 & seem to really have a good time. It was good for her as there were 8 dogs in her class & one of her biggest problems is acting "crazy" around other dogs. She really was getting the hang of all the agility - except the tunnel - plus doing much better with the obedience. (That's why it is called agilio as it combines the two.) Popster has set up a abbreviated version on our front lawn to practice with.

We decided to sign her up for the next session which would be adding more of the agility part. Now it is on Thurs nights so I can go & be the one to work with her. The first week they added the ladder for them to walk through - piece of cake - but we ran into all kinds of trouble with the tunnel again. I did manage to get her through it but it wasn't my finest moment as I crawled halfway through myself!!!!

Needless to say I ended up on E-bay the next day & managed to snag me a tunnel for a decent price but it is coming from California so we won't have it until Monday. We went to class last night & they had added the dog walk which the other two dogs had big problems with.

Mollie sat watching & when it was her turn walked across like she had done it all her life! When we took our turn to do the complete run the other instructor made a comment about how graceful Molly was. One of the other owners said "Well she's a poodle & aren't they "show-offy dogs?"

I couldn't believe Popster didn't say anything.  I would have turned around & said "SHE IS NOT A POODLE!"


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