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This is supposed to be Spring????

This is the craziest spring weather we've had in a long time.........tomorrow is June 1st & we could get a frost tonight with a possibility of snow in the Adirondacks. I am beginning to despair of ever finishing my yard this year. We had a week of rain & then Friday it got a little better but I ended up spending most of the day doing the flower beds at the golf course. Sat was an adventure as I thought Miss Molly's first obedience class was at 9:00 AM & I was taking her (Popster plays golf on Saturdays). I got her in my car & had to drive about a mile & a half but by the time we got there she was drooling & very unhappy. I had the date wrong.....doesn't start until the 13th DUH! Back in the car we went & she threw up before we got home. Cleaned her up & had to put her back in the car to go to the groomers...about a 6 mile ride. Of course she didn't make it so had to clean her up again & then leave her in a strange place - poor Miss Molly!
Then I drove right over to babysit Li Li for the rest of the day. She is such a sweetheart & we had a great time walking around the block & throwing stones in the storm doesn't take much to entertain a 2 year old. Meanwhile Popster went to pick up Miss Molly & of course she got sick again.

This is her new we can see that sweet face!

Today we put her in the car several times & let her just sit there. Then Popster drove her to the end of the street & back just to get her used to it. Right before dinner we picked up our neighbor Ellen with her dog Katie & drove over to the park about 2-1/2 miles. Miss Molly rode there on my lap in the front seat but she was still drooling really bad by the time we got there. Both dogs had a ball running around but the trip home was just as bad. Hopefully we'll figure something out!


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