Mark, Dani & Li Li came over for dinner today & it was so beautiful Popster cooked chicken, potoatoes & vegetables on the grill. Li Li & I took a walk & went almost to the end of the street..........I didn't think those "chubby legs" could walk that far & was sure I'd end up carry her home. Not so - the only time she had me pick her up was when she wanted to eat a goldfish cracker! They were in a snack bag & because she wouldn't let go of my finger she couldn't put one in her mouth.
These pics are of her having a love/hate relationship with a dish of rainbow sherbet.........she kept complaining about it being too cold but wanted to eat it anyway. Too funny!!!!!!!

These pics are of her having a love/hate relationship with a dish of rainbow sherbet.........she kept complaining about it being too cold but wanted to eat it anyway. Too funny!!!!!!!

What a big and beautiful grandbaby you have there! Love the pigtails.