Today was "Marathon Monday" as I was going to three different grocery stores................I'll admit it I'm a bargain shopper especially when it come to groceries!! However in the midst of shopping at the second store I got a little
distracted ditzy &
misplaced lost my shopping cart! I had been at the meat section asking the butcher if he had any smaller turkeys & about 3 aisles later turned to put something in my cart but it wasn't there! Not that there wasn't a cart around, but not one I recognized as being MINE!!! I (with a very sheepish look) snuck back to the meat dept & there was my shopping cart!! I continued on my way like nothing happened but after a couple minutes got the "school girl giggles" about it! I just pictured some poor shopper looking for a cart of groceries that they thought they had
I have to admit I have done this before
once or twice a few times, once even argued with a guy after
stealing taking his cart!
I'm blaming today's incident on the Popster...................if he didn't want the d**m turkey for dinner it never would have happened!!!!
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