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My view of China

The flight over was extremely long(16 hours!) but we did have a choice of 335 movies, 150 tv shows, games etc. - I watched 5 movies & probably 7 or 8 shows. We survived & were met in Hong Kong by Patrick & Matthew - our guides. We also met 7 other families & had a 45 minute bus ride to our hotel. After checking in we took a walk around & were fascinated by the fact everyone was eating at little "sidewalk" cafes at 10 pm!
Next day after breakfast we went on the usual tour - Victoria Peak, Aberdeen fishing village(my favorite as we took a 20 min Sampan tour of the harbor) & then Stanley market. Lunch was traditional Dim sum & I was taught how to use chopsticks - good thing as we seldom were able to get forks!
Later on in the evening we were trying to find a "safe" place for dinner & ended up at the italian restaurant in the hotel - what's wrong with that picture? Mark ordered a bottle of wine & even I had a glass..........we wanted to just sit & relax & sip our wine but the waitress was clearly getting upset because we hadn't ordered food. She finally sent the manager over to see what was wrong! Apparently they don't understand the concept of relaxing before dinner! Then we make faux pas # 2 & ordered pizza! It was a very classy restaurant.........why would it be on the menu????? By now I am feeling my wine & took a big gulp of my water!!!!!!! OOPS!
Next day we had a leisurely breakfast & walked down by the river. We sat down for about an hour "people watching"..........very interesting. Everyone in Hong Kong lives in an apartment so they get out to exercise & it was pretty educational seeing their conception of exercise! Also there are a lot of dogs but mostly the toy breeds. We saw what I would assume were dog walkers with "doggie stollers" - some double ones & even matching "doggie diaper bags"!!!
Finally we left for the airport at 11 am where I had a very interesting time getting through security with my carry on filled with weapons(knitting needles!)


  1. Oh my, you drank the water! I sure hope you didn't feel ill effects for days afterwards..

    How funny that your waitress brought over the manager to make sure everything was okay when you were relaxing with your glass of wine.

    Have to go read your previous post now, Val. Welcome back to the states!


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