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2 DAYS.........6 DAYS TO "GOTCHA" DAY!

We are running out of time............2-1/2 years just crept by. The last 5 weeks went by in a flash!!!!
I have started to pack but it's not easy as I have a dog "glued" to my leg! Liza has followed my every move since the suitcases came out. She wouldn't eat today so I have a feeling she will be a "piece of work" while I'm gone. Popster will have his hands full!


  1. Heh. Mental image of the dog glued to your leg. I've got one of those too -- he seems to know when we're leaving for anything other than a quick errand.

    Gonna post a picture of your pretty toes?? ;)

  2. How exciting! Have a safe trip and I can't wait to see pictures!


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